
"Wow, What a find! . . The article [you sent] gives a real boost to the project." -- J.L.

"I could tell that she was very knowledgeable about some very obscure sources. . .and I couldn't have asked for better results." --B.T.

"Judy is good, and passionate and thorough in her research. 
With only a family name of an African American family, she has found their ancestor's slave owner and she has found living descendants of formerly enslaved people who rode with John Brown on the Underground Railroad in Kansas."  --T.W.

"I knew there must be something out there to settle this [historical research question], and I am not at all surprised that you were the one to find it." --T.R.

"She truly takes a personal interest in people's questions and their quests for their genealogical background." --N.H.

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